How to treat osteochondrosis at home

Treatment of osteochondrosis at home is still very popular, despite doctors' prohibitions on self-medication. If you are looking for folk remedies treatment for osteochondrosis, remember that traditional methods of treatment cannot completely defeat osteochondrosis. The relief you feel from drinking broths and applying ointments to a sore area is just a temporary suppression of symptoms. In fact, traditional medicine can help relieve pain.

Folk remedies for the treatment of osteochondrosis

The most effective folk remedies for osteochondrosis: decoctions and infusions, medicinal baths, compresses.

Because of the quick analgesic effects, people turn to traditional medicine methods. If you want to know how to treat osteochondrosis at home, it is best to use such techniques in severe exacerbations of osteochondrosis, consult with your doctor first. Some components of infusions, decoctions, ointments and baths can have allergic effects if they are used together with a medication regimen prescribed by a doctor. Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies is just an addition to the main remedy.

Herbal decoctions

When treating osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine at home, folk remedies using multi-component decoctions and infusions are very effective. Most of these infusions are based on the benefits of honey, which can greatly improve a person's condition. With their help, you can treat osteochondrosis at home.

Sunflower roots

Sunflower roots have medicinal properties. To prepare the broth, you need to dry the ingredient beforehand. The full course of this treatment includes 8 jars of dried sunflower roots. The broth is prepared in the following ratio: for 3 liters of water 250 grams of roots (1 glass). After the water boils, it should take about 5 minutes. The drug must be taken half a glass before meals. The broth is enough for 3 days.

Sunflower used to treat osteochondrosis

Spruce cones

This folk remedy will help get rid of osteochondrosis temporarily, forgetting about pain. Treatment lasts for a month. In the fall, you need to collect 30 spruce cones in the forest. Every day at night a cone is poured with boiling water, such a broth is divided into 2 parts: one part for the morning, the other for the evening. The procedure is repeated every day for a month.

Currant leaves

Alternative treatment with a decoction on currant leaves is very effective for osteochondrosis. It is necessary to pour 4 currant leaves overnight with half a liter of boiling water. Strain the infusion through a cheesecloth in the morning and drink it on a day.


Treatment of osteochondrosis at home is also possible with the help of the infusion of walnuts. The harvest should not be last year, but fresh. It is necessary to chop 3 kg of nuts and pour half a liter of vodka. The broth should be infused for two weeks, after which the liquid is filtered through a cheesecloth and consumed 1 teaspoon daily. It is better to repeat this course of treatment again.

Walnut used to treat osteochondrosis

Dill seeds

An excellent remedy for osteochondrosis is a decoction on dill seeds. It is necessary to pour half a liter of vodka into a glass of seeds. The broth is infused for 10 days and consumed a tablespoon per day.

Bay leaf

Another way to combat pain in osteochondrosis is to take a decoction on a bay leaf. For boiling, you need to pour 5 g of dried leaves with half a liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. After that, the broth is poured in a thermos for 12 hours. The drug is used for 3 days, after which a week off is followed and the course is repeated again.

Pear branches

For cooking, you need to take 7 sprigs of pear and pour a liter of water. After boiling, wait 5 minutes and pour into a thermos. The broth is infused for several hours and is then ready to use within 10 days.

Pear used to treat osteochondrosis

Nettle roots

For cooking, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dried nettle roots and cut them into small pieces. Then mix with half a liter of water and cook for 5 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain and mix with 1 tablespoon of nettle juice. The drug is divided into parts and drunk in a day.

Honey, celery and nuts

For boiling, take 300 g of crushed nuts and the same amount of dried celery roots, mix. Then add 300 g of honey. The mixture is stored in a warm room without light for 9 days. It is taken 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Honey, lemon and garlic

For cooking, you will need 5 peeled lemons and 5 cloves of garlic, the products are crushed and mixed in a meat grinder. After that, 0. 5 liters of honey are added. The mixture is left to steep in a dimly lit room. It is recommended to use 1 teaspoon three times a day for a month.

Honey used to treat osteochondrosis

Mixture of different seeds

The most useful seeds for back treatment are the seeds of such plants: parsley, coriander, flax, celery, poppy seeds. They must be taken in equal amounts, then mixed and crushed in a coffee grinder. Take such a mixture 1 teaspoon before meals and rinse with a drink (preferably tea). The course duration is 14 days, one week of rest, again 14 days.

Honey, lemon and parsley

For boiling, take 150 g of parsley leaves and 250 g of roots, mix with 250 g of pitted lemons. Stir, grind and add 300 g of honey. It is necessary to take a teaspoon before meals for a whole month. After a 30-day break, the course is repeated. Such treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine according to popular methods is very popular and very effective.

Ointments and rubs

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine with folk remedies is very effective, but the effectiveness of some methods is often higher than that of others. For example: some remedies are better suited to treating one part of the spine and others are better for treating another. You can make at home ointments and rubs, which are very effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Ointments are based on distilled water or oil. The remaining ingredients can vary depending on the recipe. Such alternative treatment is very effective in exacerbations of the disease and in the prevention of complications.

Water in the treatment of osteochondrosis


For cooking, you need a bottle with a capacity of half a liter. 75% of the bottle must be filled with elderberries, the remaining 25% must be filled with alcohol. After preparation, the ointment should be infused for 7 days. The desired areas or compresses are rubbed with the finished ointment.

Purple flowers

For cooking, you need a bottle with a capacity of half a liter. 75% of the bottle is filled with purple flowers and tamped tight. The ointment is infused for 10 days. It is more effective to use the ointment twice a day.

Lemon based

For boiling, you need to take a small container and squeeze into it all the juice of one lemon. Next, mix the juice with the same amount of iodine. Such an ointment is very effective not only for the cervical spine, but also for other parts of the spine.

Lemon used to treat osteochondrosis

Vinegar egg ointment

For cooking, you need a container in which a raw chicken egg is poured and mixed with vinegar of the same volume. After that, you need to add butter weighing 100 g. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, the ointment is ready to use. Use this type of ointment before bedtime.

Medicinal baths

There is another way to treat osteochondrosis with folk remedies - medicinal herbal baths. Baths can be used not only for the purpose of cleaning, but also for the purpose of healing, choosing the right medicinal herbs and their amount. Baths, like any other alternative methods of treating osteochondrosis, should only be taken after consulting a doctor. In some forms of osteochondrosis, they can be contraindicated.

To treat osteochondrosis of the spine with the help of baths, you need to know some recipes for their correct preparation:

  • Bath with birch leaves. For cooking, you need to brew birch leaves. The bathing process should take about half an hour. The water should be slightly hot.
  • Chestnut bath. To prepare, mash the chestnut and cook for 15 minutes. Then pour into a bath and leave on for about 20 minutes.
  • Needle bath. It is necessary to collect some needles from the trees in the forest and cook for about 20 minutes. Then pour the broth into the bath and leave for about 25 minutes.
  • Bathe chamomile. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the chamomile and let the broth steep for half an hour. Then you can filter the drug and take a bath.
  • Jerusalem artichoke bath. It is necessary to fill a bucket with a capacity of 10 liters, the stems and leaves of the Jerusalem artichoke, pour boiling water over them and wait 20 minutes. Pour the liquid into the bath. The bathing process takes 15 minutes.

For more effective treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, the duration of treatment should be about a week. Baths have a relaxing and calming effect, relieve cramps and relieve pain. Such home treatment is not only beneficial but also pleasant.

therapeutic bath for osteochondrosis


Another method that involves treatment with folk remedies is compresses. If you are looking for osteochondrosis pain and muscle spasms, try compress recipes:

  • Recipe number 1. Mix equal amounts of dry mustard and vodka with 3 egg whites beaten raw eggs. Then let it steep for 12 hours at room temperature in a dimly lit room.
  • Recipe number 2. We conditionally divide the whole solution into parts: honey - 2 parts, vodka - 3 parts, aloe juice - 1 part. Stir and let steep for 12 hours at room temperature in a dimly lit room.
  • Recipe number 3. To treat osteochondrosis with horseradish, you need to take the leaves, pour boiling water over them, and then apply them to the painful area. This is how we treat severe forms of osteochondrosis.


Regardless of how effective folk remedies are in the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is important to understand that they relieve the patient's condition only temporarily. In general, it is better to prevent osteochondrosis from occurring than to think about treatment later. Therefore, always observe your posture, especially when the work is seated and seated.

To keep your back healthy, you need to follow these basic rules while sitting at the computer:

  • The table is high enough not to bend over;
  • It is imperative that the eyes be on the top of the monitor when the back is level;
  • The distance to the monitor should be such that you can see everything well and not get stuck.

You need a comfortable computer chair so you can lean on your back. You also need to adhere to the daily routine and sleep at the right time, because in a dream our body is resting. The bed shouldn't be too soft so that the back stays in the correct position while sleeping. The pillow should be the right size for you.

Don't forget about your diet: it must be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals so that bones and joints do not suffer from calcium deficiency.

Recommended products for the prevention of osteochondrosis

Physical activity is also very important for both the spine and the whole body. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles, lets the joints work and remains flexible.